- 2/13 - School Valentine’s Day Celebration
/14 - Staff Development #3 No school for students
- 2/17 - Presidents’ Day (No school)
- 2/20 - Progress Reports
- 2/28 - Father/Daughter Dance @ 6:00 p.m.
- 3/3 - Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss! Dress like Cat in the Hat or any other Dr. Seuss Character.
- 3/4 - Spring Individual Pictures
- 3/4 - Reading gives you superpowers! Wear your favorite superhero attire.
- 3/5 - Wacky Wednesday, wear crazy hair, crazy socks, mismatched or inside out.
- 3/6 - Snuggle up to a good book - wear your pajamas to school.
- 3/7 - One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish wear a red or
blue shirt.
- 3/7 - End of the 3rd Nine Weeks
- 3/13 - Report Cards
- 3/17 - St. Patrick’s Day wear green
- 3/19 - Kindergarten Field Trip
- 3/21 - 4th grade field trip
- 3/24 - 3/28 - Spring Break